Monday, June 16, 2008

Living in the Moment Everyday

We can become so distracted in life by our circumstances, by people, opportunities to become frustrated due to our circumstances or people whether it be friends, family or co-workers, neighbors or strangers....I need to remind myself that I am in charge of how I react to my external world and the people in it.....I truly want to enjoy my life to the fullest extent and in order to do this I believe that it is imperative to live in the moment everyday! By living in the moment we can allow the past to stay in the past and the future to take care of itself as it frees us up to just BE ourselves and BE in each moment of each day....I want to be able to fully appreciate the blessings in my life which are my children, my family, the outdoors, cool breezes, sunny days, delicious food, music, playing and laughing, reading and learning, meeting new people and just expanding my horizons and enjoying the horizons I have already created! So each morning I want to start with a clean and clear mental slate and be able to take each moment as it comes and experience the joy therein....The simple things in life are almost always the most valuable and they are almost always free!

1 comment:

Anhedonix said...

"The simple things in life are almost always the most valuable and they are almost always free!" - beautifully said
it had taken me a long time to understand the wisdom in such a concept, thankfully i got it before it was late

nice post and an awesome blog,